What I'm doing now — January 2025
(This is a /now page, inspired by Derek Sivers)
Currently, I'm enjoying my time at home with my family, while the PhD applications are keeping me busy. Concurrently I am learning MPI for high performance computing, and also Julia since its speed while being at the same level of abstraction as Python is amazing. At the same time I am working on my digital presence. I am also working on creating interactive blogs as in /interactive. HMU if you have any ideas that you think I should implement.
I am also procrastinating working on the PINN project. The Lotka-Volterra equation I am trying to solve is settling in a local minima in almost all cases. I am trying to find a way to escape the local minima, while still considering the possibility that the problem is something completely different.
Other —
I am learning Sanskrit too, https://learnsanskrit.org/guide/ is proving to be a good guide.I am researching (read watching YouTube videos XD) on history and religions since I find them interesting too.